GLASS_Trea.S.U.Res Dissemination
Ongoing papers
Microwave-assisted cold consolidation of alkali activated suspensions of waste glass
G. Tameni, F. Carollo, A.M. Cavazzini, M. Forzan, E. Bernardo
Link to ArticleAlkaline attack of boro-alumino-silicate glass: new insights of the molecular mechanism of cold consolidation and new applications
G. Tameni, D. Lago, H. Kaňková, L. Buňová, J. Kraxner, D. Galusek, D.M. Dawson, S.E. Ashbrook, E. Bernardo
Link to ArticleConferences
On 31 January 2024 Prof. Enrico Bernardo delivered an invited talk (“Understanding the molecular mechanismof cold consolidation of glass by ‘weak’ alkali activation”) in the framework of the 48th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC24, Daytona Beach, USA – January 28–February 2, 2024), and particularly within “Symposium #16: Geopolymers Inorganic Polymers and Sustainable Construction Materials)”. The talk summarized the studies on the alkali activation of waste glasses, from the definition of geopolymers to the development of ‘unfired’ dense and porous monoliths (for structural and functional applications), which constitute the focus of GLASS_TREA.S.U.RES. In particular, the talk focused on the molecular mechanism supporting the obtainment of stable monoliths.
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Background experiences
Bagci, C., Tameni, G., Elsayed, H., Bernardo, E. Sustainable manufacturing of new construction material from alkali activation of volcanic tuff (2023) Materials Today Communications, 36, art. no. 106645. Link to Article
Mehta, A., Ozog, P., Dasan, A., Kraxner, J., Elsayed, H., Grigolato, L., Galusek, D., Bernardo, E. Low cost structured photocatalysts from stereolithography of colorless pharmaceutical glass (2023) Journal of the European Ceramic Society. Link to Article
Contrafatto, L., Calderoni, D., Gazzo, S., Bernardo, E. Recycling Volcanic Ash and Glass Powder in the Production of Alkali Activated Materials (2023) Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 336 SIST, pp. 47-55. Link to Article
Bernardo, E., Elsayed, H., Mazzi, A., Tameni, G., Gazzo, S., Contrafatto, L. Double-life sustainable construction materials from alkali activation of volcanic ash/discarded glass mixture (2022) Const. Build. Mat., 359, art. no. 129540. Link to Article
Tameni, G., Cammelli, F., Elsayed, H., Stangherlin, F., Bernardo, E. Upcycling of boro-alumino-silicate pharmaceutical glass in sustainable construction materials (2022) Detritus, 20, pp. 17-21. Link to Article
Mehta, A., Colusso, E., Kraxner, J., Galusek, D., Bernardo, E.Waste-derived glass as a precursor for inorganic polymers: From foams to photocatalytic destructors for dye removal (2022) Ceram. Int., 48 (19), pp. 27631-27636. Link to Article
Mehta, A., Karbouche, K., Kraxner, J., Elsayed, H., Galusek, D., Bernardo, E. Upcycling of Pharmaceutical Glass into Highly Porous Ceramics: From Foams to Membranes (2022) Materials, 15 (11), art. no. 3784. Link to Article
Mahmoud, M., Kraxner, J., Kaňková, H., Hujová, M., Chen, S., Galusek, D., Bernardo, E., Porous Glass Microspheres from Alkali-Activated Fiber Glass Waste (2022) Materials, 15 (3), art. no. 1043. Link to Article
Ramteke, D.D., Hujova, M., Kraxner, J., Galusek, D., Romero, A.R., Falcone, R., Bernardo, E., Up-cycling of ‘unrecyclable’ glasses in glass-based foams by weak alkali-activation, gel casting and low-temperature sintering (2021) J. Clean. Prod., 278, art. no. 123985. Link to Article
Hujova, M., Monich, P.R., Sedlacek, J., Hnatko, M., Kraxner, J., Galusek, D., Bernardo, E., Glass-ceramic foams from alkali-activated vitrified bottom ash and waste glasses (2020) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10 (16), art. no. 5714. Link to Article
Romero, A.R., Toniolo, N., Boccaccini, A.R., Bernardo, E., Glass-ceramic foams from ‘weak alkali activation’ and gelcasting of waste glass/fly ash mixtures (2019) Materials, 12 (4), art. no. 588. Link to Article
Toniolo, N., Rincón, A., Roether, J.A., Ercole, P., Bernardo, E., Boccaccini, A.R., Extensive reuse of soda-lime waste glass in fly ash-based geopolymers (2018) Const. Build. Mat., 188, pp. 1077-1084. Link to Article