Emanuel Peled

Emanuel Peled

Emanuel Peled is the inventor and developer of the Solid-Electrolyte-Interphase (SEI) model for nonaqueous alkali-metal batteries. This model constitutes a paradigm change in the understanding of lithium batteries and has thus enabled the development of safer, durable, higher-power and lower-cost batteries. He was the first to develop (1989) a lithium/sulfur cell (a 2/3A size cell). Several fuel cells have been developed, including a direct methanol and for the first time a direct ethylene glycol fuel cell and a hydrogen tribromide fuel cell. A low-cost high-power hydrogen tribromide unified regenerative fuel cell (RFC) for large energy storage was developed for the first time. The technology was transferred to a start up company – Enstorage which scaled it up. He is a co-founder of three energy-related start-up companies based on technology developed in his laboratory: Chemtronics (battery meter), Enstorage (RFC) and Honeycomb (a 3D battery). For his achievements Prof. Peled received the Electrochemical Society Battery Division Research Award, the Landau Research Award, the Award of the International Battery Association (IBA) and the Israel Chemical Society Outstanding Scientist Award. Recently he got the 2023 Israel Prize of Chemistry and the Award of Commander of MAFAT (Israel MOD) for Creative Thinking. He was elected Fellow of the Electrochemical Society and of the International Society of Electrochemistry.