Daniel Brandell

Daniel Brandell

Daniel Brandell received his PhD in 2005 at Uppsala University, Sweden, on a thesis comprising Molecular Dynamics studies of polymer electrolytes. After post-doctoral studies in Estonia and the USA on fuel cell materials, he returned to Uppsala. In 2016, he was appointed Professor in Materials Chemistry. Since 2020, he coordinates the research center “Batteries Sweden”. In his research, he combines computational chemistry spanning DFT calculations, MD simulations and FEM electrochemical modelling with experimental activities, with a clear focus on Li-ion batteries and other ‘next-generation’ battery chemistries such as Na-ion batteries, solid-state systems, Li-Sulfur, Organic batteries, etc, and has published >200 papers in the field. He holds several research grants, including an ERC consolidator grant from 2017 on polymer electrolytes, and has many collaboration projects with industry. He is also involved in designing educational activities in the battery technology area. Recently, he was appointed coordinator for energy research at Uppsala University, and director for the inter-university research constellation STandUP for Energy.