Marca Doeff

Marca M. Doeff

1983 PhD, Inorganic Chemistry, Brown University, Providence RI
1978 BA, Chemistry, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA

2019-present Deputy Division Director, Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA
2018-present Senior Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA
Principal investigator in battery programs funded by the Department of Energy. Work is directed towards development of materials of possible utility in Li ion, metallic lithium, and sodium ion batteries. Responsibilities include supervision of several students and postdoctoral associates on the projects, communication of results via reports, scientific papers and presentations at conferences, and proposal writing.
1990-2018 Staff Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA
1986-1989 Senior Member, Technical Staff, Computer Sciences Corporation, San Diego, CA.
Research performed at the Naval Ocean Systems Center involved synthesis, characterization, and testing of low surface tension fluorocarbons and polymers and organometallic compounds for antifouling applications. Responsibilities included supervision of two
chemists on the project and the writing of proposals and technical
papers on this topic and related work.
1985-1986 Postdoctoral Chemist, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA.
Research with Professor Robert Connick was directed towards
understanding the mechanism of the oxidation of bisulfite.
1983-1985 Postdoctoral Chemist, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA.
Research with Professors Ralph G. Pearson and Paul Barrett
concerned the matrix isolation of iron complexes of catalytic interest.

Selected Recent Publications ~160 peer-reviewed publications, >100 abstracts, reports, non-refereed publications), 8 patents and patent applications, ~110 invited talks
1. “Li-Mn-O Li-rich Cation Disordered Rock-salt Cathode Materials Do Not Undergo Reversible Oxygen Redox during Cycling” W. Yin, J. Alvarado, E.A. Kedzie, B.D. McCloskey, C. Dun, J. J. Urban, Z. Zhuo, W. Yang, and Marca M. Doeff, J. Mater. Chem A. DOI: 10.1039/D3TA04873J (2023).
2. “Tailoring the Structure and Electrochemical Performance of Sodium Titanate Anodes by Post-synthesis Heating” W. Yin, G. Barim, X. Peng, E. A. Kedzie, M.C. Scott, B. McCloskey, and M. M. Doeff, J. Mater. Chem. A (2022).
3. “Spatiotemporal Mapping of Microscopic Strains and Defects to Reveal Li-dendriteinduced Failure in All-Solid-State Batteries” H. Shen, K. Chen, J. Kou, Z. Jia, N. Tamura, W. Hua, W. Tang, H. Ehrenbert, and M. Doeff, Mater. Today, DOI:10.1016/j.mattod.2022.06.005 (2022).
4.“Heterostructured Lepidocrocite Titanate-Carbon Nanosheets for Electrochemical Applications” G. Barim, R. Dhall, E. Arca, T. Kuykendall, W. Yin, K. Takeuchi, E. Takeuchi, A. Marschilok, and M. Doeff, ACS Applied Nano Mater. DOI:10.1021/acsanm.1c03449 (2021).
5. “A Layered Nonstoichiometric Lepidocrocite-type Sodium Titanate Anode Material for Sodium-Ion Batteries” Wei Yin, Judith Alvarado, Gozde Barim, M. C. Scott, Xinxing Peng, and Marca Doeff, MRS Energy & Sustainability DOI: 10.1557/s43581-021-00008-6 (2021).

Current Synergistic Activities
Secretary, Electrochemical Society, 2020-present
Editorial Board Member, Ionics
Materials 1 Panel, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource

Recent Awards
1) Department of Energy Office of Vehicle Technologies Distinguished Achievement Award, June 2023.
2) Selected for DOE’s Energy Storage Grand Challenge Celebrates Women’s History Month, March 2021.
3) Finalist, R&D100 awards (Mechanical/Materials category for Solid Lithium Battery (SLiB) Using Hard and Soft Solid Electrolytes, Guoying Chen, Marca Doeff, Stephen Sofie, and Eongyu Yi, sponsored by R&D World. 2020.
4) Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (August 26, 2016).
5) Elected Fellow of the Electrochemical Society (June 2, 2016).