Nobuyuki Imanishi

Nobuyuki Imanishi

Nobuyuki Imanishi is a professor of Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Mie University, Japan. He studied industrial electrochemistry in 1986-1990 and received his Ph.D. from Kyoto University. He started his research professionally at 1990 in Mie University and after 22-year career as assistant and associate professor, he promoted to the present position. From 2021 he also served as Vice President and Executive Director of Mie University. In the battery research community, he is currently a chairman of the Committee of Battery Technology in Japan.
He focuses on functional materials and electrochemistry, especially energy conversion and storage materials, such as electrode materials for lithium batteries and fuel cells, and solid-state electrolytes for these batteries. He is also working on new battery systems, such as aqueous lithium-air batteries and solid polymer lithium-ion batteries. These researches have been recognized by awards, for instance, the ECS Battery Division Research Award, The Electrochemical Society. He participated in several national research projects on suppressing dendrite formation in lithium metal anodes and developing composite anodes for lithium-air batteries.