Francesca Soavi

Francesca Soavi

Francesca Soavi (female, 0000-0003-3415-6938) is Associate Professor in Inorganic Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry “Giacomo Ciamician” of the University of Bologna, Italy. She received her PhD in Chemical Sciences in 2002 from Bologna University and has continuously carried out research activities focused on the electrochemistry, chemical physical characterization and synthesis of materials for diversed energy storage and/or conversions systems, from supercapacitors to Li-ion batteries, Li/O2 batteries, redox flow batteries, inorganic and microbial fuel cells, as well as for micro-electrochemical devices like ion-gated transistors.
Her research is carried out at the Laboratory of Electrochemistry of Materials for Energetics (LEME) and Interdipartimental Center for Industrial Research (CIRI FRAME) where she is leading ENERCube, a new laboratory dedicated to knowledge transfer actions in energetics. She is Secretary General (2024-2026) of The International Society of Electrochemistry. She is involved in knowledge transfer of research products by the StartUp BETTERY srl, that she co-founded in 2018. She co-authored more than 140 peer reviewed papers in International Journals.