Local Information

Weather in Padua

In September, Padua has generally high temperatures and high rainfall. Anticipate daytime temperatures around 26°C (79°F), while night temperatures can drop to 16°C (61°F).

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“Indulge your taste buds in the flavors of Padua, Italy. Start your culinary journey with a refreshing Aperol spritz served with different appetizers to awaken your senses. For a taste of tradition, savor the “bigoli al ragu”, a hand-made pasta such as large fresh spaghetti made with flour, eggs, water and salt that comes with different kind of ragouts (meat, hen, duck). The Bollito Misto is a true feast, featuring various cuts of beef, cotechino, Paduan hen, goose, or duck, all flavored with mustard sauces, green sauce, or horseradish sauce. And don’t miss the local specialties like Padovana figassa (fig cake) or the typical Pazientina, a dessert with very ancient origins, dating back to 1600, that takes its name from the term “patience” to indicate the time and care needed to make the cake, with its two layers of pastry filled with zabaglione cream and, finally, generously garnished with gianduia chocolate flakes.
Padua’s culinary delights are a true reflection of its vibrant culture and will leave you craving for more. “

Getting around Padua


Bus and tram services in Padua are provided by FSBusItalia.
The price of a single 90-minute ticket is 1.70 € at the ticket office or 2.50 € on board; a 24h ticket costs 4.70 €. All tickets are valid if validated in the space provided before the next stop after boarding.


Cooperativa Radio Taxi Padua is a 24-hour radio taxi service. Taxi rank in the centre of Padua Train Station square.
Telephone 0039 049 651333
SMS TAXI – It is also possible to request the taxi service, specifying the address where the taxi will arrive, by sending a text message to 0039 338 8442000.

Cooperativa Serenissima Taxi Service is a 24-hour radio taxi service.
Phone 049 490 6001 – “ItTaxi” app

See more on moving around Padova visiting Turismo Padova