Maria Helena Braga

Maria Helena Braga

Maria Helena Braga is an Associate Professor (with Habilitation) in Engineering Physics and the Head of MatER laboratory, FEUP, University of Porto, Portugal. Since its establishment in 2020, from an endowment by John B. Goodenough, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019, her laboratory has enabled cutting-edge research in the field. She is credited with having created glassy ferroelectric batteries. From 2008-2011, she was the staff at Los Alamos National Laboratory; from 2016-2019, a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin; and from 2019-2021, the Head of the Engineering Physics Department at the University of Porto. She received numerous scientific recognitions for her work, highlighting the 2020 Personality Award from Exame Informatica-Visão-Sapo, SIC national TV, in recognition of her outstanding work in Energy Storage.