Marnix Wagemaker

Marnix Wagemaker M. Wagemaker received his PhD in physics at Delft University Technology (2003) and since May 2017 is head of the section Storage of Electrochemical Energy and full professor holding the chair electrochemical energy storage at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Currently he holds a VICI grant on battery research, coordinates the national BatteryNL research consortium (NWA-ORC national project) and is heading the TUD e4-battery institute focussing on the development of future circular battery technology. His interests include fundamental battery processes, studied by simulation/modelling (atomic scale DFT and meso-scale modelling) and characterization (Neutron and X-ray scattering, solid state NMR, Electrochemistry) thereof, aiming at improved understanding and the development of next generation battery materials.