Shanmukaraj Devaraj

Shanmukaraj Devaraj

Shanmukaraj Devaraj is currently a Senior Scientist at CIC Energigune, Spain. He completed his Ph.D. (Physics) with a specialization in Solid State Ionics in 2008 from Pondicherry Central University, India. In 2008 he joined as a CNRS Post-Doctoral fellow at LRCS, UPJV, Amiens, France before joining CIC Energigune in 2013. He was also a visiting scientist at CCET, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), and ISEM, University of Wollongong (UOW), Australia. He has co-authored more than 60 publications with 12 International patents. His current research includes development of new ester-based polymer matrices, nano-hybrid composite electrolytes, hindered-glyme based electrolytes, metal anode protective layers, SEI building additives and sacrificial salts (pre-metallation) for lithium, sodium and sulfur-based batteries.