Join us at the University of Padua
November 18, 2019
A perspective lecture on the linkages between Industry 4.0 technologies and performance measurement and management
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November 18-19, 2019
A group of specialized sections to share experiences, projects or simply to gather detailed information on PMM in Industry 4.0
learn moreIndustry 4.0 challenges for PMM
In the last few years, a new industrial revolution has been emerging termed as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0. It is recognized as a great challenge for all organizations and many countries are planning huge investments to increase the adoption of a set of innovative technologies (i.e. Advanced Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, Augmented Reality, Big Data Analytics, Cloud, Cyber Security, Horizontal and Vertical integration, Industrial Internet of Things, Simulation) to transit toward this new industrial paradigm.
Large organizations and SMEs operating in both manufacturing and service sectors could gain important strategic and economic advantages from Industry 4.0. However, without denying the importance of the Industry 4.0 technologies, it has been widely recognized that the successful adoption of the new business paradigm requires, also, relevant progress in performance measurement and management (PMM) practices. On one side, traditional manufacturing companies dedicate most of their attention to operational-technological aspects while neglecting managerial issues determined by Industry 4.0; on the other side, the new business trend requires, more than ever, the development of effective PMM practices. Given these premises, the significant challenge is to identify the best way to support manufacturing and service companies in implementing effective PMM practices to drive the managerial changes implicitly required by the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies
PMM symposium provides a unique and rewarding opportunity to forward new and emerging ideas. It will bring together the scholars and practitioners working in the broader field of Performance measurement and management.
PMM symposium will facilitate the exchange of ideas in topics of mutual interests. It will serve as a platform for establishing links between research groups with complementary activities and an opportunity to share experiences with the business world.
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Submission deadline: 30th June 2020