Invited Speakers

Plenary Speaker

Stanley Whittingham
(Binghamton University)

Li Batteries: 50 Years Old and the Future Challenges for an American Based Industry

Keynote Speakers

Michel Armand
(CIC Energigune)

Beyond Lithium: What Can Be Made Solid-state?

Peter Bruce
(University of Oxford)

The Rechargeable Lithium-oxygen Battery – the Cathode Challenge

Xuning Feng
(Tsinghua University)

Fundamentals of Li-Battery Thermal Failure

Juergen Garche
(Ulm University)

The Li Battery, the Controlled Bomb

Steve Greenbaum
(Hunter College of CUNY)

Recent NMR Investigations of Novel Electrolytes for BeLI

Xin Guo
(Huazhong University)

Pathways towards High-Performance Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries

Stephen Paddison
(University of Tennessee)

Multivalent Ion Clustering and Transport in Ternary Systems: Copolymer/Ionic Liquid/Salt

Jean-Yves Sanchez
(LEPMI-Grenoble INP)

From Polymer Electrolytes to Calcium-conducting Ionomers: a Route Towards Reversible Calcium Batteries?

Roland Gauß
(EIT RawMaterials)

The Race to Secure Europe’s Sustainable Energy Future

Shi-Gang Sun
(Xiamen University)

Studies of Lithium-Oxygen Battery Systems

Yang-Kook Sun
(Hanyang University)

Tailoring Microstructure and Surface of Ni-Rich Cathodes for High-Performance Electric Vehicle Batteries

Venkataraman Thangadurai
(Universityof St Andrews)

Garnet-type and Silicate-type Solid Electrolytes for Solid State Metal Batteries

Walter van Schalkwijk
(University of Washington)

Sustainability in the Lithium-ion Battery Industry

Marnix Wagemaker
(Delft University)

Design of Solid Electrolytes, Role of Disorder in the Li-ion Conductivity and Beneficial Solid Electrolyte Redox in the Electrochemical Stability

Tom Zawodzinski
(University of Tennessee)

Way Beyond Lithium: ‘Open’ Battery Concepts

Invited Speakers

Philipp Adelhelm
(Humboldt-University Berlin)

Tuning the Properties of Inorganic Anodes and Cathodes for Na-ion Batteries

Corsin Battaglia

Stable Hydroborate Solid-State Lithium Battery with High-Voltage NMC811 Cathode

Maria Helena Braga
(University of Porto)

Advancing Battery Technology: Harnessing Oscillatory Dynamics in Ferroelectric Topological Insulator Electrolytes

Shanmukaraj Devaraj
(CIC Energigune)

Sustainable Polysalt and Its Multifunctional Role in Li/Na Metal Solid-state Polymer Batteries

Maximilian Fichtner
(Helmholtz-Institute Ulm)

Recent Results and Progress with Multivalent Batteries

Betar Gallant

Interplays of Composition and Function at the Interphases of Lithium Metal Anodes

Birger Horstmann
(Helmholtz-Institute Ulm)

Effect of SEI on Dissolution and Growth of Lithium Whiskers

Masashi Ishikawa
(Kansai University)

Rechargeable Battery with S-confined Porous C Cathode and Li Metal Anode

Christopher Johnson
(Argonne National Laboratory)

Advanced Electrode Materials and Electrolytes for Sodium-ion Batteries

Haegyeom Kim
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)

Materials Development and Their Integration for High Energy and Long Cycle Life Solid-State Li Metal Batteries

Pawel Kulesza
(University of Warsaw)

Optimization and Evaluation of Utility of Highly Concentrated Iodine/Iodide Electrolytes for Redox Flow Batteries

Yuzhang Li
(UC Los Angeles)

New cryo-EM Tools for Studying Dynamic Interfaces in Battery Materials

Ping Liu
(UC San Diego)

Faceted Lithium Crystal Seeds: Formation and Function

Robert Mantz

Renewable Energy Generation and Storage Technologies

Noriyoshi Matsumi

Polymer Binder Materials with High Density Functional Groups for Sodium Ion Secondary Batteries

Robert J. Messinger
(The City College of New York)

Elucidating Electrochemical Reaction Mechanisms in Emerging Battery Chemistries by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy

Jagjit Nanda
(SLAC National Laboratory)

Recent Progress and Challenges in Sulfide and Halide Based Electrolytes for All Solid-State Batteries

Simona Onori
(Stanford University)

Second-life Batteries: Towards a BMS2 Design Framework

M. Rosa Palacin

Ca2 and Na electrochemical intercalation in Fe[Fe(CN)6]1-y Berlin Green

Donald Sadoway
(Pure Lithium Corporation)

Brine to Battery: Electrolytic Production of Li-metal Electrodes

Michel L. Trudeau
(Concordia University)

Spatially Resolved EELS Analysis of Surface Species on Metallic Lithium for the Development of the Next Generation Batteries

Claire Villevieille

Link Between Microstructure and Electrochemical Performance of Solid State Batteries

Michele Vittadello

Sodium Ion-Conducting Electrolytes based on Chloroaluminate Ionic Liquids and δ-NaCl

Wei Wang
(Pacific Northwest National Lab)

Proton Activity and Pathway in Aqueous Organic Redox Flow Battery Electrolyte